How To Be A Super Affiliate Marketer

Make the most money with only 11% effort.

Technique #1: Be a “Bum”

BUM marketing is the fundamental pick for a lot of advanced affiliate marketers and beginners as well, which you must have heard of, unless you have been hiding under a rock the last few years. Essentially, the BUM market technique is about posting articles to directories after authoring them on your niche topic. These articles are scooped and listed by Google, and major other search engines, high in the results of the search related to your keywords.

The secret of BUM marketing rests essentially in the keywords. Principally, you need to uncover keyword phrases or keywords that a large percentage of individuals are hunting. These you will find on search engines as those that have modest competition or have a low number of pages in the search results.

Keyword phrases that are found to be valuable are the ones that have roughly a hundred searches per month, though less than 100,000 pages in the search engine search results. Coarsely this is how good BUM marketing affiliate marketing campaigns would proceed.

Just say you are trying to sell a product about “World of Warcraft”, which you are interested in. So you go to Clickbank, which specializes in affiliate products, to get hold of a product to do with “Warcraft” to promote. Here you find a “World of Warcraft” guidebook. There are hundreds of these guides and similar books which means people are buying them. Indeed, the product and niche you select can be anything; Here we are just using this one as an illustration.)

Next we head over to:

Here we assess and sense-out what individuals are seeking in their searches on the topic about “World of Warcraft”. Please note that “World of Warcraft” is a.k.a. “WOW”; so include the latter in your tests and notes also.

A simple glance will show that there are over 10 thousand searches for the term “World of Warcraft”. From this we can understand without actually typing it in that there are going to be millions of pages in the search results of the search engine for this particular term.

Then we can hunt further down the list.

As we sift through the keyword strings that lead to searches we discover this one: “World of Warcraft hacks” which brings around 100 monthly searches. Please bear in mind that we want a keyword string that gives us approximately 100 searches per month, as this one does.

Then we need to analyze our competition in this criteria. The smaller the number of pages that show up in a search engine search the better. So now we return to Google and search for the term “World of Warcraft hacks” to ascertain how many pages turn up in the search results. Here we find that there are about 700,000 other pages listed for the term “World of Warcraft hacks”. So not bad.

Now we can also try “wow hacks”. This gets us about 100 searches a month at the keyword site. So now when we go to Google again we find the search results to be only about 400,000 pages. Even better!

So ultimately “wow hacks” is chosen as our keyword. The keyword phrase is unquestionably related to what we want to sell; a “World of Warcraft” guide, and it also has all the correct numbers that we are pursuing. Now all that needs to be done is to post to article directories material that is authored by you that contains the keywords “wow hacks”.

Be careful not to spam your keyword (keyword spamming) by overusing it. This will probably damage your search engine rating and will probably lead to it getting rejected by the article sites.

After you have completed this then submit your articles to relevant article directories. The affiliate link for the product goes in the resource box towards the end of your article. Here, add a little description about your website, a little biography about yourself and a link to your site. This link can be to your own site or your product affiliate link.

NOTE: doesn’t allow the user to make a direct affiliate link, but that doesn’t matter. Continue your reading further down the page about blogging and hub pages etc. to see how to bypass this problem. Almost all other article directories allow you to place a direct affiliate link in the entry however make certain that you study their terms of service first.

Technique #2: Ping and Blog

You have to love blogs! I am not going to consume your time by telling you all the groovy things about blogs, why they are useful or why you require one. If you want to stand any chance in accomplishing a steady income, then you must recognize that you need one.

Nowadays blogs are so widespread that everybody has a blog. Once again if you find yourself hiding under that rock again and yet don’t have a blog for yourself as yet, then you should get a free blog from or as soon as possible.

However, before you act in haste and produce any old generic blog, please consider a purpose for it beforehand. Is it the market certain products? A blog that is a review? A news blog? Is it for providing information on certain niche topics? Is it to market you? First pick your purposeful idea then get around to producing the blog.

Visitors to your site will react negatively if they see a non-focused blog with regurgitated content keep in between all kinds of banners, ads and blinking lights. If this is your blog, then needless to say that visitors will try to get out of there fast.

So now that we have got our tightly targeted blog what are the next steps? This is where the amusement begins! Once the blogs theme has been selected, the first thing we want is useful relevant material.

Composed and submitted articles to article directories can now be placed inside your blog. After which we could also look around our computer to find a great deal of PLR articles. These articles are a useful starting point as they can be rescripted. Rescript them as best as possible before posting them. This is because it has been found that search engines will reward you for unique material in articles.

The primary objective is to add beneficial related and relevant content. After which we can add affiliate links throughout the material or article. Enter in the affiliate links by hyperlinking some powerful key words as the anchor text.

The visitor will naturally click on your links recommending products and offers as they are scanning the text if they like what they are reading.

Don’t fret too much about this, as with free WordPress and Blogger blogs, you can easily insert hyperlinks in the material with a few clicks of the mouse. This is easy and possible due to their rich content editors. Instead of having a raw link try and have your words clickable and insert some words of your choice in the material.

Banner ads, which are just hyperlinked images, might be suggested to add to your blog. So now when a visitor clicks on an image, they’re sent automatically to the page that the image links to; your affiliate offer!

Banners should be added higher up on the page. This is the very top first part of your blog which your visitor will see when they come across your web site. The top part is known as the “Income space” where more individuals will tend to click as they see the top fold more than any other place on your page.

Once you have decided to update your blog with new content regularly then you should ping it! Briefly, “pinging” is a way to tell other users and sites that your blog has been updated with new material. You should try to keep current and update your blog with new content at least monthly.

Search engines love blogs with fresh updated material. After the blog is updated, then ping it! Multiple free ping services such as can be used to send pings.

The next task is to submit your blog’s fresh material to content sharing/voting sites. The largest one of these would have to be Here you can also submit news, but to be sure, just make sure the material is of good quality or they won’t admit it.

Another way to market your blog is to join blogging communities like and to take part in them. Pinging your blog, joining blogging communities and posting useful material are a few ways to generate traffic to your blog.

Technique #3 Email Marketing

Needless to say, utilizing email marketing to promote your affiliate links in quite a powerful tool. Email, although antiquated is a very beneficial way to promote a direct marketing offer. However, it has been shown to get harder to succeed at.

However, before we analyze the effects of writing emails, it is very important that we address the problem of “raw” affiliate links. Raw affiliate links look horrible in emails, thus resulting in poor click-through rates for your site.

Affiliate links which are too long may also be broken up when presented in the email body. Also, raw affiliate links can be hijacked by others to make you lose out on valuable commissions. You should try and handle these two effectively to allow readers the liberty of clicking on your link. Nonetheless telling the offer explicitly in the subject line has been found to be the most progressive way.

IF you are considering using a free online url abbreviating service as you don’t have a site of your own, then a free, simple and quick one to use is

So it is highly beneficial to isolate the ‘subject line’ as the most powerful part of your promo-email. This is found to be pivotal in the success of your email campaign, it can either make or break it. Your first move should be to get the reader to open the email will a strong, eye-catching subject line.

If you can get your prospect’s attention by getting them to open your email then it is as good as having your foot in the door. This is indispensable to a successful email campaign. It has to raid their senses like nothing else virtually. Not only does your subject line have to be better than the others in your prospect’s inbox that day, but so must your body text as well. It is important that you don’t try to finesse the deal.

You should try and use the person’s first name in the greeting, then after which begin to introduce your offer. Bear in mind that the person ultimately thinks, “What’s in it for me?”. This is an unsaid golden rule of marketing. That means you need to list benefits, advantages, benefits and more advantages in your email. Also, be sure to use the word “I” sparingly throughout your email. Using “You” instead gives the reader a more personal instead of sounding automated.

Writing a compelling email is an art. It takes a lot of practice and perseverance. Valuable email copy will help your affiliate marketing efforts much more over poor junky email copy. So where do you get a list of people or prospects to e-mail? You’ve probably heard a million times “the money is in the list”. It is in fact true. List owners can pretty much make income on the go when they mail out an offer to their list. Fortunately for you if you don’t have a list of your own, you are now able to borrow one!

What is being discussed here is buying email advertising. This can be done with a search for “ezine advertising” in Google. With services such as these, you can send emails to a few thousand “make money” interested readers with your offer. These however can be quite expensive so you should make sure that your offer is going to convert to make you earnings

It is also possible to acquire a list of your own for free. There are also a large number of free downline/list building sites out there for “internet marketers” that are free to join and use. A site is not required, as you use their site to build your list.

Some are:


You can register for these sites for free and begin referring other people to the site. With your referral link they go into your downline.

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