Ways to Generate Traffic to your Website

Learn How You can Boost Your Website Traffic.

Imagine a store in a derelict mall, with dust and webs on every surface and you have spent oodles of money on items that you have not been able to sell. That is what it is like when your site has no traffic.

We know that it is important to get traffic for the sake of our sales. That is why it is more than likely that we choose to spend at least 30% of all our marketing efforts to bring business, in the form of traffic to our websites online.

The creation of traffic is not an easy task. Although, fortunately these traffic creation tasks can be outsourced.

Primarily, one must possess a thorough knowledge of the functions of each method before one can teach such subordinates the technique of drawing traffic to your sites.

However, with the abundance of traffic generation methods available, how does someone learn which method is suitable for you?

The most popular, also the best, choice is to learn and apply as many techniques as possible. This is because there can never be enough traffic, as is said.

Also try not to do things halfheartedly to reach your result. Whatever the task is that you embark on, make sure you persevere with it until the end. This is the way, and the only way, to creating true business results for your website.

Here are a few guaranteed methods to building and creating enormous traffic for your online business.

#1 Free Traffic

For there to be an uninterrupted steady flow of traffic to your site there needs to be a persistent repetition of the desired traffic generation technique.

For those on a frugal budget, traffic that is free is definitely the most sought after.

Even if you have an uninterrupted flow of cash, the high potential of free traffic sources in providing you with extra views, in the form of impressions, should not be ignored.

Free traffic is ultimately pulling visitors to your site without you having to pay costly advertising expenditure.

There exist several methods to draw free traffic to your website, these are:

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Article Submission
  • Ad Swaps
  • Link Exchanges
  • Offline Traffic Methods

The art of getting your webpage to the top of Yahoo or Google’s search ranking is search engine optimization. This is done by targeting high search volume “keyword phrases”.

Article submission intrinsically involves the submission of articles that are related to a particular niche topic to article directories with high traffic. This is done so that people who search for such information will find your articles, which ultimately leads them to your website through an author’s resource box.

The mutual promotion of partner’s websites through blog posts or email marketing is called an ‘ad swap’. This when used appropriately, can immensely profit the said parties.

Exchanging links between your site and another person’s website so to get visitors from that site and vice-versa is called ‘link exchanging’. This has also been shown to be largely beneficial.

The promotion of your website through offline methods such as direct response marketing, flyers, banners and name cards is also a widely used form of marketing.

#2 Article Marketing

Previously article marketing was largely used as a method of traffic generation in the past up till today. As mentioned earlier, it pertains to the submittal and posting of articles to relevant directories to draw traffic to your website.

As shown below, there are some widely used article directories in which you can submit your articles to:

One must keep in mind that each of the directories has a unique set of submission guidelines. Therefore, one must carefully read and adhere to these set of guidelines otherwise your articles may be rejected.

This is the method by which it works:

Generally speaking, as a rule of thumb, compose articles ranging from 300-500 words (or more) which are not only unique but contain keywords related to the topic of your niche.

After which you should register for a free account at any article directory.

Here, make sure that you create a genuine, solid author’s resource box that says a little about yourself that contains backlinks (one or two) to your website.

Whenever an article is approved which you have posted, your article will now appear on the website directory along with the author’s resource box.

People who search for relevant articles will now be able to read your article, and from here if they wish to further find out information will visit your website.

For this matter, it is of utmost importance that the titles to your articles are highly optimized for keywords so that they can be easily located and also they must be catchy enough to stand out from the crowd.

Example: 8 Goal Setting Mistakes You Should Avoid.

This is a good title as it contains keywords and is also eye-catching enough for your readers to want to read it by clicking here – remember, content is key.

Plagiarized content is frowned upon and often penalized and so your content must be uniquely written.

If the content is good to the discerning eyes of the reader, then they will be enticed to find out more information on the subject through links to your website.

So as a job: You must consistently post 3-5 articles per week to article directories to see a steady flow of traffic coming to your website. This is shown as a rapid measure to generate traffic your way.

#3 SEO

SEO is the acronym for “Search Engine Optimization”. This is basically the art of getting a website to the first page of known and mainstream search engines like Yahoo, Bing and the big “G” (Google).

The techniques and procedures used in SEO change from time to time, although there are many mainstay SEO techniques for getting your websites chosen by Search Engines which are revealed here.

The first technique to be used is in-site optimization. This is basically the technique that tweaks your website and blog posts in a way that easily allows Google ‘Spiders’ to crawl on the website and index it. This allows people to find your website easier.

For example, it is better to always include keyword phrases into titles of blog posts to allow articles to be found by people searching for these phrases in search engines.

Also helpful is to include keywords and keyword phrases in the first sentence of the first paragraph and to bold or italicize them. This is found to be quite useful as well.

The key is to find a good balance between user readability and SEO optimization. Your blog posts must come off smoothly and shouldn’t sound too robotic to deter readers.

Backlinking is also crucial. The more outside authority websites will link to your website, the higher the ranking of the page in Google.

It is generally better to accrue more quality backlinks of websites with similar niches than many links from smaller sites. This may be frowned upon as it could be mistaken for “link farming”.

Internal links between blog posts within your website also boosts SEO points but does not contribute as much as ‘outsider links’.

A recent trend that has emerged for SEO is social interaction. This means that people, or users to your site, are able to interact on the website. This is either through sharing, tweeting or commenting on the blog posts. This is much favored by search engines and has been shown to greatly boost page rankings for those that make their websites more interaction friendly.

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