Making Sweet Money with Infopreneuring

No, we don’t need more information. There is a lot of it around. But we need people who can package them well. This is where an infoprenreur comes in.

The good news is, anyone with a good idea and some persistence can do it!! You just need an interesting story or expertise that people want PLUS good marketing skills! It can even be classic knowledge, repackaged and remarketed in new ways. Look at all the diets out there. There are only 3 variables in the diet game: food, exercise and mental attitude.

The formula is pretty simple:

  1. Identify a Core Human Desire/Need
  2. Find new solution or a new way to market to this Core Desire/Need

With a winning idea, you can then branch into many related support products, bringing in more residual income.

There are 3 Essential Skills that you’ll need:

  1. How to research, discover, acquire, and organize your ideas. What do you know that we don’t? Or who do you know that knows something that the rest of us need or want to know?
  2. How to express, display, package, communicate yourself. You’ll need to find the best prices for materials, design the packaging, and find lowcost ways to organize material
  3. How to market your product. Here are some core marketing skills which you will have to buy, rent or acquire:
  • Writing compelling copy
  • Learning the secrets of direct mail advertising
  • Buying the best and cheapest advertising.
  • Tracking your results
  • Managing a database
  • Tapping into the Internet

Basically, there are no real new or totally unique human needs or wants. Your information should tap into one of these universal wants like sex, money, confidence, health, relationships, beauty and greed.

The title you select, the words you use, the benefits your information offers and the way it is packaged will cause consumers to flock to or avoid your product. Once you have discovered the right combination of message and media, you have cracked the code.

 Here is an example of steps to follow to become an infopreneur:

  1. Brainstorm the most profitable topics
  2. Publish quality, in-demand information. You’ll be surprised at how quickly a following develops.
  3. Monetize! Google AdSense automatically places relevant ads on your site, generating an excellent financial foundation. There is no limit to the number of ways to monetize your traffic. The above are only a few possible examples for the “hot ‘n spicy” niche. Nor is there a limit to the number of niches in the small business world.

Woody Allen’s book “Nothing Down: How to Buy Real Estate with Little or No Money Down”. Shows how he earned millions of dollars in royalties. And every six months he still gets nice royalty checks!

Here are 8 tips that will help you get started producing audiotapes, books, reports, pamphlets, or any other medium you choose to sell to distribute your information:

  1. Produce an information product for an audience that’s already waiting to buy it. This will guarantee your greatest chance for success.
  2. Clearly identify your target market and direct all your promotional materials towards them. When promoting and marketing your product, first identify the it’s purpose. Then find a target market that will benefit from it. Once you’ve done that, find ways to bring them your message. Speak to them in ways they can relate both to your product and to you. The rapport this builds between you and your prospective buyers will ultimately lead to sales.
  3. ALWAYS TEST THE MARKET BEFORE PRODUCING. This will save you time and money, if, by chance, you’re not on the right track. If test marketing indicates your target market has no interest in the information your product provides, simply redirect your focus, find another topic, and start again with enthusiasm.
  4. Keep your products simple, yet highly informational. Remember the concept is not to compete with Hollywood, but to offer valuable information to specific groups of people who share the same interest.
  5. Never stop searching effective ways to promote your products and reach your target market.
  6. Create backup products such as special reports, audio tapes, and books to complement your initial product
  7. Seek out others in your industry who might be willing to joint venture with you on a project.

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