Making Money from Monthly Private Label Rights

Most of the time, people are afraid of monthly commitments, that is why they are afraid to join monthly PLR sites. That is NOT the right way to think. Here’s why having PLR material is a good thing:

    • It can be a lot cheaper compared to buying from other sources

    • You get consistent content every month!

    • You get to monetize the LATEST, hottest, new niches!

    • You get to create multiple streams of incomes

    • You get the privileges of exclusivity.

    • You also get to enjoy first mover’s advantage!

    • I have put together 3 major PLR materials that you can use to great effect in your monthly membership sites.

PLR E-Books

E-books are very important. Most PLR sites provide E-books as the bread and butter of the entire business model.

Here are some of the best strategies on how to utilize PLR E-books:

  • Put your name on the products as the author – This is the most obvious benefit of them all. Private Label Rights allow you to claim authorship to the E-book and you can use it to build your name/brand or sell it.
  • You can Change the Titles, Edit the Product Contents, Insert Your Affiliate Links, and/or Paste Your Own Advertisements into the products. These are just some ways to monetize in addition to the profits you are making from selling the E-book.
  • You can take the content in the book and Arrange Them into Your Very Own Articles.
  • On the other hand, you can also Take A Few PLR E-Books and Combine Them Together to create one HUGE mega E-book and sell them for profits.
  • You can Shorten the E-Book by Taking out the Key Points and Turn It into a Special Report that you can use either as a teaser to get people to buy your E-book or you can use it to capture leads.
  • Depending on the terms and conditions, you can use this book and Give It Away as a Bonus to products you are already selling.
  • You can also Offer Additional Rights to your E-book that will enhance the perceive value (e.g. basic resell rights, master resell rights or even re-branding rights).

PLR Sales Letters

Sales Letters and landing pages are one of the most important components you must utilize when you are setting up your profit funnels.

Here are the best ways you can utilize them:

    • You can Save a Tremendous Amount of Time And Money by filling in your name and uploading your payment processor and upload them immediately.

    • You can even Add Your Own Products by editing the ready-made sales letter and offer bonuses to entice buyers to make a purchase.

    • Use the Sales Letters as Swipe Files for new sales letters that you plan to write for yourself – this is very useful when you are a budding copywriter and you want to learn from the best!

    • Combine Your Landing Pages With Special Reports and autoresponder E-courses, you will be able to create a sales funnel that will turn the casual prospect into a paying customer.

    • Use landing pages to Lead Your Prospects to Thank You Pages that you can use to monetize additional affiliate sales.

    • You can also use the landing page to Direct Your Prospects Immediately to Your Sales Letter, and you can use them hand in hand.

PLR Articles

There are MANY advantages of having PLR articles. Here are a few examples on how to utilize them besides selling them for money:

Design Your Own Physical or Digital Newsletter.

Build Massive Traffic To Your Website Through Article Directories. Submit your articles to high page rank directories like E-zine articles and have your article appear in various niches. You can also insert your own name as the author in your own bio box and drive visitors to your home page.

Become an Expert in Your Field by branding yourself with high quality articles.

Keep Your Mailing List Alive By Keeping In Touch With Them! Give them quality articles that feed their need to read something new every day or once in a while.

Use PLR Articles to Get Google to Rank Your Site as Quickly as Possible! Just make sure you send articles regularly and the Google spiders will index your site more and more frequently.

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