6 Questions Your Sales Letter Should Have

1. Who Are Your Prospective Customers?

• Before writing your sales letter, you must target your customer group. You should know whom you want to sell your product or service to.

• If you were offering a golf club designed to play golf, you wouldn’t market it to men in general. You’d taper it down to people that actually played the game of Golf. You have to be very specific.


2. How Is Your Product or Service Differentiated?

• What makes your product different from the competition?

• Have you done a comparative study?

• If there is anything unique about the product in a positive way, don’t hide it…flaunt it to the readers.


3. Why Should The Prospect Have Faith In You?

• With all the Hype, scams, and fake information being given through advertising, skepticism sets in pretty fast.

• You need to make your prospect consider what you’re telling them is the irrefutable truth.

• Create confidence in the viewers eyes as to your credentials, background, and heartfelt story. Go in depth on who you are.

• Be sincere in your message and professional.


4. What Are All The Benefits Your Product or Service Offers To The Consumer?

• List all the visible and not so visible benefits that make your product irresistible to not accept.

• Headline should be focused on the main benefit of the product.

• Focus on “Hot Buttons’ over Hype.

• This is where research really pays off. In order to push hot buttons, you need to first know what they are.


5. What Might Your Prospects Objections Be?

• Want to really know what the objectives are. Walk a mile in the shoes of your prospective buyer. This way you will know what reservations or objections he/she may have.

• Knowing your market, (research objections)

• Once you know the objectives, start answering common questions they might have in their minds (Address objections).

• Think of questions you might ask before purchasing?

• Pointing out negatives in products and turn them into positive!

• Objection example; Is your product really for beginners?


6. Why Should Your Prospect Act Now?

• The end question you must reply for your prospect is why they need to act right now without any hesitation.

• Urgency or motive for desired action must be authentic.

• Example: Give them a special price if they act within the next few days.

• Tell them quantities are restricted and once the stock is exhausted they won’t be sold at the same price.

• Make sure that your created urgency is credible.

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